Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wrapping up - or at least getting started wrapping up

Mom and dad went to Dr. C today for regular weekly-checkup and Reagan is still in there! Everything is progressing as expected. They'll go back every week from now on.

We spent Saturday picking out paint colors for the new house. (mom's nesting) (My room is purple! and Reagan's is green)

We threw my Cousin Jessica a wedding shower at Grandmaw and Grandaddy's Sunday - I had a lot of fun.

Yesterday, we went to look at a new house our painter had painted (I like ours better) but the painter did do a great job. We're ready for him to paint ours. Just have to get the sheetrockers and then the floor guys out of the way.

Tomorrow I'm staying home from school with mom and dad to pack some stuff up. Mr. JC is letting dad borrow his trailer. (Hope he remembers what happened to the last trailer dad borrowed - we still have seen hide nor hair of it.)

Oh, Dad asked me to get everyone that wants email updates or text messages from us when Reagan decides to make her appearance to send an email to with the subject "baby updates" if you want text messages, you need to include the cellphone number in the email. (Or you can keep a regular check on the blog the day we go and catch the updates there)

Here is what dad and mom sent when I finally decided to make my grand appearance:

Hope this works... We are at the hospital and I'm sending this from my phone. They have started her drip. Mom & baby are fine.

Baby update-Jo got her epidural around lunch. She's to 5cm. BP dropped a little, but she & baby are still fine.

We're almost there 9cm. Mom & baby are ready to get on with the show! Maybe next update will be the last.

She's here! 5:05p 5.15lbs 17 inches. Everybody is fine, even me. Should go home Saturday.

Thanks for to all of you for thinking of us. I slighted her a half-inch, she is a proud 17.5 inches long. Attached is the first of many many pictures. Mom and Laura as still doing fine. Dr. says we should come home Saturday morning still.

Thanks again,

The Thompson

I misunderstood the nurse about Laura's weight, she is 5 pounds 15 ounces. It had been a long day. The first of many, I'm sure.

Dad is such a pack-rat he still has all the emails from back then!

Here's a slide show of my first few (Ha!35) pictures. Enjoy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!
My how you've grown!
Can you believe you were ever that tiny?
Laura, I appreciate you keeping us up to date.