Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Weekly Visits Begin

Mom, dad and Reagan started weekly visits this week with Dr. C. Well, actually, this was a regular visit to Missy - Dr. C. starts next week.

Apparently, Reagan has got her GPS working and is headed for the exit - head down and dropped were the reports this week. Missy said she'd be happy if Reagan would hold off a couple of weeks, but wouldn't stop her if she decided to have an April birthday.

I started making a set of flash cards this week for Reagan at dad's work. You know, just in case she gets here early I'll be ready. Mostly color words and other words I know that I think she'll need to know.

All of the belly-dancing that she's been doing has trimmed two pounds off of mom! (Missy said this wasn't unusual in that last month to shed a few pounds) Reagan continues to get the hiccups about 20 minutes after mom eats, they say this is a sign of a health baby practicing breathing or drinking... sure... That's all I need- a hyper-active over achieving little sister!

Went by the house this afternoon to check on the progress. Little John was trenching in the power feed from the garage to the house. They are supposed to have all of that finished tomorrow and pour the next-to-last part of the concrete. This will complete the drive from the road to the garage. That means the big stuff can start being moved into the garage next weekend. Sheet rockers say they will be finished this week. They are going to have to hit it hard, but maybe by Saturday. HVAC installs begin tomorrow. Maybe we'll get a chance to shoot some pictures of more concrete Friday! fun fun fun - I see a lot of scraped knees in my future. :-(

Dad is still politicking for that new job. Friday is the deadline for applications and then the game is on!

I think that get's everything updated.