Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Big Sisterhood - Love it!!!!

Yesterday, I got to hold Reagan for the first time. I even gave up a trip to Chuckie Cheese and Toys R Us with Ms. Traci to wait to see Reagan again before we went home. I spent the night with Ms. Traci and Hart last night and had a big time!

My teacher Ms. Rutledge got me a brag book and I filled it up with pictures. I also had cupcakes for my class today that Ms. Marla helped mom get. I also got to go tell mom's class about the baby and show my pictures to them also.

Ms. Traci took me to get a Big Sister present today after school - I got a pink poodle Webkinz and I named her fluffy. Then Ms. Marla took me back to the hospital to see Reagan. While we were there a lot of the teacher's from my school came to see me. (and Reagan, too)

Grandmaw came to stay with mom and Reagan tonight so dad and I could go home and sleep in our own bed and get the carseat for Reagan's big trip home tomorrow!

I can't wait to play with Reagan tomorrow!

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