(Dad Posting)
In a few hours it will be the 6th of June (where has the last 9 months gone!!!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOU!!!! A small private party will be held in Pontotoc to celebrate Saturday, BUT hopefully there will be a big shindig at the NEW HOUSE!!! later this month, or next, or at least before school starts... maybe.
I hope to be able to get some pics of the stone work (that is if any got put up this week) on the house. They were putting up the base mortar coat on Wednesday so maybe we'll have something to look at tomorrow. Kitchen and MBR cabinets were installed (to some degree) this week and appliances are supposed to show up tomorrow. Yippee!
On the job front - I previously referred to it as a poker match, but since there have been a few "developments" I'm changing it over to a hand of blackjack - mostly because of the field of 37 or so applicants 16 give or take were interviewed and an offer was made (not to me) that person folded. BUT just because they folded doesn't mean I win, but I'm not sure there is anyone else at the table, hence the reason I changed to blackjack. I think I'm probably looking at an 16 and the dealer has a 7 - odds card says "hit me." We'll see if I bust - check back at the first of the week to find out.